Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy Statement
Friends of Bamboo is committed to continually improving quality, H&S and environmental performance whilst consistently meeting our customers’ requirements as to the quality of product, service, advice and support in the supply of products and materials derived from Bamboo. Friends of Bamboo is equally committed to managing environmental impacts & preventing pollution by utilising the best possible practices to maximize economic and environmental benefits whilst ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all persons that could be affected by the manufacture and supply of Bamboo products. The company aligns processes to achieve compliance with these commitments by implementing and maintaining an Integrated Management System (IMS), forming an integral part of the company’s business strategy and designed to meet the requirements of ISO  9001:2015, ISO 1400:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. The company is committed to proactively:
  • Conducting business in such a manner that, as a minimum, ensures compliance with all applicable (current and anticipated) statutory and regulatory requirements, through a programme of continual improvement.
  • Setting objectives and targets that are monitored regularly to assess improvements in:
    • Quality performance
    • Safety performance & prevention of work-related injury and ill health
    • Environmental performance, pollution prevention & sustainable growth.
  • Ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our employees, customers and any other persons that could potentially be harmed by our business activities, products and operations.
  • Designing products to be as environmentally friendly as possible, so far as is reasonably practicable, by:
    • Sourcing raw materials from responsibly managed and environmentally aware organizations.
    • Maximizing recovery of process wastes.
    • Including recycled materials in both product & packaging.
  • Assessing the risks associated with our work activities and implementing control measures to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable:
    • The needs and expectations of our customers and other interested parties are met.
    • Activities are managed in line with best practice to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.
    • Working environments, work equipment and systems of work are safe and without risk to health, safety or the environment.
    • Adequate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided to ensure that target service levels and contractual needs are met whilst ensuring the safety of employees, customers and others.
  • Involving and consulting with employees on matters affecting their health and safety and the environment at business unit and site level Health & Safety/Environmental Forums which review, prioritize and co-ordinate the implementation of significant recommendations arising from safety monitoring, employee consultation and risk assessment programs to ensure continual improvement in safety and environmental performance.
  • Raising the awareness of all employees to ensure the benefits of meeting IMS objectives are understood.
  • Ensuring all employees are made aware of and understand the IMS policy, procedures and supporting documentation, through training and provision of information. Compliance is confirmed as a result of formal internal audits and at management review, which is conducted at least once a year.
This policy is publicly available to all interested parties and is reviewed periodically to take account of applicable local, statutory, regulatory and customer requirements and any changes in work activity.
______________________________ Managing Director
Date: 1 April 2024                                                                                      FOB/IMS/POL/01